"Contentment makes poor men rich.
Discontentment makes rich men poor."
- Benjamin Franklin

True inner happiness is about living in the present and finding contentment within ourselves, regardless of whether or not things are going our way. Santosha is being grateful for what we have, and being content with who we are and where we are in life. Santosha is not about feeling happy when we have everything and life is exactly as we want; it is about finding contentment regardless of the circumstance.
My goal is to find Santosha within, to be mindful and feel grateful for what I do have, rather than what I don't. Practising Santosha can bring us a sense of peace and inner joy. I invite you to practise a little Santosha. Cultivate gratitude when you’re content, so you’ll be able to access that gratitude when you really need it.