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Sthira Sukham


Sthira - strength, effort, stability

Sukham – ease, softness, comfort

"Yoga is a dance between control and surrender - between pushing and letting go - and when to push and when to let go becomes part of the creative process, part of the open-ended exploration of your being." - Joel Kramer

Sthira Sukham is about balancing strength and effort, with softness and ease. Balance is always changing. While one situation might require more sthira, another might require more sukham. Throughout life, we need to balance between holding our ground and setting clear boundaries, while also being soft, flexible, and at ease, as situations warrant. Too much Sthira/strength, we may become too rigid and inflexible. Too much Sukham/ease, we may drift through life without a goal or purpose, wandering aimlessly, drifting in the wind. This applies to work, relationships, and all aspects of life.

These principles also apply on the yoga mat. Too much effort, and we may injure ourselves, yet too much ease and no effort, results in limited benefit.

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